Samstag, 24. September 2011

Just a quick update

Hallo ihr lieben! Leider habe ich keine Umlaute mehr auf der Tastatur, deshalb jetzt einfach mal alles auf Englisch ;D

Hi there! No, we're not dead and yes, we do intend to continue this blog. I arrived safely in the United States almost two weeks ago and I'm having a blast!!!! I bought five "I <3 NY"- shirts shortly after I arrived and since then I'm wearing nothing other than these awesome shirts because I LOVE NEW YORK!! It's so BIIIIG and SHINYYYY :D but Boston is also pretty awesome! Yesterday I was introduced to Peanut Butter Cups and frozen yogurts .... I'm going to gain so much weight!!!! Sorry guys, no more pictures of Melle ;D
Unfortunately I'm having some difficulties with my laptop thus I can't upload any pictures but I'll make sure to post some as soon as possible. There'll be mostly pics of frozen yogurts, though :D
Sasa will return from her Thailand adventure trip in a few days and I'm so excited for her pics and more importantly her shopping haul!!!
Take care! Melle

2 Kommentare:

  1. Ich will auch nach New York!! Aber schön, dass es dir gefällt! :)

  2. Best friends or sisters? Interesting to have signoff names of 2 persons. Thks for visiting my blog. <3 xoxo!!!!!
    Followed too :D

    Have a lovely day girls!!


Hi there! Thanks for commenting :)!